Development Communication at the Pedestal of NELSAP Projects

NELSAP considers effective communication as a vehicle to achieving its mission of "contributing to the eradication of poverty, promotion of economic growth and reversal of environmental degradation in the Nile Equatorial Lakes Region". NELSAP gives priority to engaging stakeholders in its projects' cycle.

From 3rd to 6th September 2014, NELSAP held a communication training to its riparian staff at Panoramique Hotel in Bujumbura with the objective to arm them with skills required to effectively and efficiently communicate for NELSAP-CU and how to mainstream development communication its Projects' cycle.

Participants of the training mainly included River Basin Management Project Managers and their respective stakeholders, NELSAP staff who are directly involved in the success of effective communication at NELSAP level as well as the NBI regional communication specialist.

As NELSAP gives a critical importance, it is then urged to apply strategic communication which is expected to enhance the success of development projects. This training addressed the way project management units will implement their respective communication plans giving consideration to stakeholders' concerns and manage their expectations.

 NELSAP staff and stakeholders in group works during development communication workshop in Bujumbura, 3-6 Sep 2014


NELSAP staff and stakeholders in group works during development communication workshop in Bujumbura, 3-6 Sep 2014.