You will be working to improve people’s lives and to keep the River Nile flowing for current and future generations

Build a career that is worthwhile with the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP), the Nile Basin region’s leading intergovernmental organization working on the sustainable management and development of the shared Nile Basin water and related resources. We offer a multicultural work environment and an atmosphere that promotes a healthy balance between work and life – including a generous leave policy.

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We recognize that the Basin is a water scarce region, countries are grappling with meeting the rapidly growing demands for water, food and energy and poverty is rampant with six of the 10 NBI Member States among the least developed in the world. At the same time, the different and conflicting interests could affect regional peace and security. Nevertheless, progress can only be made through cooperation.

Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) staff work with Member States governments, civil society, the private sector, women, youth, development partners and others to reduce poverty, ensure water security for all, environmental sustainability, regional peace and security  and preserve integrity of the Nile, the world’s greatest river. We know that to attract and maintain the world’s top talent, we must provide a growth-oriented work environment where you know what to expect from us and where we know what to expect from you. We are committed to offering:

  • A compelling mission and cause.
  • Challenging and rewarding work.
  • A diverse workforce.
  • An intellectually dynamic environment.

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In turn, we expect you to sustain a high level of professional performance, maintain the quality of your skills, share knowledge and experience and collaborate effectively.