The Nile Basin Council of Ministers (CoM) comprising Ministers Responsible for Water Affairs of all Nile Basin Countries, is the highest political and decision-making body of NELSAP/NBI. This organ meets every year to approve the organization’s annual workplan and budget to ensure smooth implementation of the organization’s activities. The Council of Ministers takes all policy and political decisions of the organization providing it with strategic direction. The CoM ensures country contributions from member states is received and responsible for appointment to the senior-most positions.

This year’s the CoM was held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in August 2022. During this meeting countries reaffirmed their commitment to Nile Basin Cooperation. Below are summaries of the Country Statements delivered as part of the Opening Session.

Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) is the first and only all-inclusive platform for the Nile Basin States to discuss with trust and confidence, how to collectively take care of and jointly invest in the shared Nile Basin water resources to maximize win-win benefits for the current and future generations of the basin.

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06 Photo 05 NBI Countries Reaffirm Basin Cooperation