NELSAP shared its Projects Results
NELSAP considers effective communication as a vehicle to achieving its mission of “contributing towards poverty reduction, and reversal of environmental degradation and stimulation of economic growth”.
Furthermore, NELSAP sees strategic communication as key to enhancing its visibility and image but also highlighting its member countries’ benefits. Communication of NELSAP projects’ outputs is envisaged to build its sustainability in the long term.
In November and December 2013, the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) embarked on a dissemination journey meant to share information on its projects’ results amongst its various stakeholders. The objective of this dissemination exercise was to enhance awareness of the NELSAP Program, showcase the outputs that have been produced so far and market the results to countries.
This communication action underlined NELSAP’s regional niche in the area of transboundary Water Resource Management and Development and Power Trade and Development and also served to enhance the collaboration between the NBI/NELSAP and the countries as well as with other stakeholders.
The highly successful dissemination exercise organized in form of national level workshops was inaugurated in Kenya in November 2013 and was followed by four other countries in December, 2013 namely Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda respectively. At least 259 NBI stakeholders were directly reached during the exercise.
These dissemination workshops brought together NELSAP stakeholders from various sectors including policy level sector players from Ministries in charge of Agriculture, Water and Irrigation, Environment, Energy, Lands, Finance and Economic Planning, Foreign Affairs and Social/Community Development and Gender, County Government/Local Authorities and Regional Administration, Water Resources Management Agencies and Power Utilities.