The NELTAC operates through the NELSAP Coordination Unit (NELSAP CU) which facilitates the preparation process, manages financial resources and builds sub-regional capacity for continued preparation and implementation of projects.

The NELSAP Regional Coordinator thanked the Government of Uganda for hosting the meeting and specifically the Ministry of Water and Environment for assisting in the logistical preparations of the event. He regretted the absence of Egypt and Sudan.

The Coordinator highlighted the objectives of the meeting, the progress made since the last NELTAC meeting and key achievements made by projects so far. He informed the meeting that NELCOM continued to give strategic guidance to implementation of the NELSAP projects and commended efforts by NELSAP staff to achieve core objectives. He thanked the Development Partners for their support and commitment to the entire NBI and NELSAP in particular.

Participants at the 14th NELCOM meeting held thereafter, were welcomed by the NBI Executive Director, Dr. Wael Khairy He too thanked the Government of Uganda for hosting the NELCOM meeting. In addition, he thanked NELCOM for its strategic leadership, under which tremendous progress had been achieved and stressed that continued growth is relevant for continued cooperation.
He informed the meeting that, the portfolio of NELSAP investments is presently estimated at US$ 1.2 billion and this is expected to grow to US$ 3.9 billion by 2020 from a pre-investment of US$ 70million. “This calls for support from the NELCOM in resource mobilization based on the recently approved NELSAP Resource Mobilization Framework. He explained and commended the growing synergy with regional initiatives like the EAC.

Dr. Wael Khairy noted that it was necessary for the NELCOM to give continued guidance during this time, when the NBI concludes the CFA process. Countries were reminded to remit their country contributions in a timely manner so as to facilitate the NBI Institutional processes.

In her speech, the Guest of Honor, Hon. Maria Mutagamba, Minister of Water and Environment, Uganda said that considerable progress has been made under the Shared Vision Program and the Subsidiary Action program in particular the Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program. She commended the efforts being put into identification of new projects which include the Kyoga, Aswa, Yala, Gucha Migori and Lake Edward, Albert and George and the Tanzania Irrigation and watershed project and requested that the NELSAP facilitates the development of the Trans-boundary Kikagati project.

With the imminent climate change, lack of storage, the rampant flood waters, and poor water quality, she expressed the need to enhance water harvesting and mainstreaming adaptation into investment planning. The Minister further advised, NELSAP to formulate a regional project on improving watersheds through the REDD financing mechanism. On behalf of the NELCOM, she pledged support towards planning for the NELSAP post ISP financing. She concluded by reiterating Uganda’s commitment to the NELSAP.

NELCOM endorsed the NELTAC directives on issues related to governance of the NELSAP program, financial management of the NELSAP program, technical issues related to the NELSAP, issues addressing preparation, resource mobilization and implementation of NELSAP investments as well as activities related to development communication.

The NELCOM discussed the recommendations made during the meeting held in Entebbe, Uganda in December 2010 and follow up on the implementation of activities agreed upon during the 21st NELTAC meeting held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.  The issues on the agenda pertain, in particular, to the NELSAP institutional progress and sustainability, the progress and challenges in the NELSAP projects implementation, the progress on the scaling up strategy implementation and NELSAP pre-investment grants, Environmental and Social Management Framework, Human Resource Policy and NELSAP Work Plan for the fiscal year 2010-2011.

By Elimasia Mngumi, NELSAP DCO