The Kenyan Chief Executive Officer for Water Resources Management Authority Eng. Olum, recognised the NBI’s contribution towards eradication of poverty, promoting economic growth and reversal of environmental degradation among riparian populations. He commended the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program and Mara River Basin Management Project assisting in upgrading of Bomet Water Supply and urged the Lake Victoria South Water Services Board to ensure the beneficiaries receive envisaged services from the project. He strongly emphasized the need for conserving environment for better livelihoods of present and future generations in the basin. “We encourage strong cooperation as a lead to successful water resource management and this coupled with this year’s theme will strengthen cooperation and enhance peace and stability. We have formed and empowered Water Resources Users Associations in the communities for better management and sustainability of water resources in their vicinity” he added.

Eng. Olum informed the community members that, the Government of Kenya through Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project II (LVEMP II) has managed to secure a total of US$ 300,000 for construction of sewerage system in the town. He requested the Bomet District and Municipal administration to ensure that the land allocated for proposed sewerage system is made available in order to avoid any unforeseen delays in starting construction.

Rwanda celebrated Nile Day on 26th, Feb. 2011 in Akanyaru Marshlands. NELSAP CU and Kagera RBM project staff joined the local authorities and the community members of Mukindo sector, Gisagara District to plant bamboo trees alongside Akanyaru River. Akanyaru River is one of the main tributaries of the Kagera River forming the Akanyaru Marshland which is shared by seven sectors in Gisagara District. The river stems from the Nyungwe Forest National park and forms a natural boarder between Rwanda and Burundi. The participants planted about 1,500 bamboos on the banks of the river aimed at preventing soil erosion that causes siltation of the river.

 In his speech, the guest of honor, Rwandan Minister of Environment and Lands, Hon. Ambassador Stanislas Kamanzi advised the local authority and the community members to take advantage od Akanyaru Marshland to improve their livelihoods by shifting from traditional agriculture to modern methods of farming.

In Tanzanian, Nile Day was celebrated during the Maji week from March 16th – 22nd 2011 in Mwanza. The theme for Maji (Water) Week was “Water for Cities: Responding to Urban Challenges” with activities aiming to communicate messages on growing urban water and sanitation demand, increased pollution from municipal and  industrial discharges; Climate change and its foreseen risks and challenges over  exploitation of available water resources and better targeting of urban poor.

The theme fitted in well with the activities currently undertaken by the NELSAP’s River Basin Management projects, specifically, the preparatory studies for integrated watershed management, and water storage reservoirs for multipurpose use.
In Mwanza, the Nile Day was celebrated through a public awareness exhibition show. NELSAP through its Kagera and Mara River Basin projects exhibited and shared information through different categories of communication materials including project fact sheets, posters, newsletters, brochures, calendars, magazines, film documentaries and stalls.
The Guest of Honor was the Vice President of United Republic of Tanzania Hon. Dr. Ghalib M. Bilal. Other dignitaries present included Hon. Prof. Mark James Mwandosya, Minister for Water, and United Republic of Tanzania, different government officials and development partners.

Compiled by Elimasia Mngumi, NELSAP DCO